Spider Jim, Inc., founded by Theresa Drescher in 2001, is a designing and consulting company that specializes in creating gifts and home furnishings products.
Theresa's twenty plus years of experience in gifts and home furnishings includes directing a $300 million dollar gift/home business, as well as sourcing, negotiating, manufacturing, buying, licensing, trend forecasting and product development in retail, manufacturing and direct mail. Her expertise is taking a product from concept all the way through to the selling floor.
Goldwater's – Buyer,
$4 million business
Abraham & Strauss – Buyer, $6 million business
Macy's – Product Development Manager, $6 million business
Canteen – Merchandising and Marketing Manager, $35 million business
Macy's/Federated – Senior Product Development Manager, $74 million business
Avon – Director, $300 million business
Her focus has been on providing product and insight for her clients based on market trends. With a highly trained eye, Theresa spots trends early and she has been able to provide ideas and designs that produce the results that get noticed. Among many others, Spider Jim, Inc. designs and develops product for Mr. Christmas, Avon, NASCAR, Saturday Evening Post and Corona.
Theresa's love of creating product enticed her to start Spider Jim Inc., named for her beloved cat; Spider Jim whose combination of alley cat savvy and experience paired with his little kitten whimsy emboldened him to do the extraordinary. Theresa has embraced those traits and applies them with great élan in creating designs so they become an experience for the purchaser and not just another product.
A portion of all Spider Jim's sales go to various animal charities. Theresa also has a non-profit organization called City Santa. City Santa fills the requests in letters written to Santa Claus from needy children. For more information on City Santa go to www.citysanta.org or click on the link below.
www.citysanta.org |